Friday, 6 December 2013

Veer Nari MEET Buldhana


A Veer Naries meet was org at Mil Stn, Bhusawal on 26th Nov 2013 at 11.00hrs with the help of Zilla 
Sainik Welfare Office, Jalgaon and Buldhana. In this meet 24 Veer Naris (15 from Jalgaon and 09 from Buldhana District) were present. They were felicitated by Mrs Abha Kapoor,Senior Director, AWWA. During this meet a Medical & Dental Check up camp was organised for the Veer Naries. Col DK Bishnoi, Capt MB Kulkarni, Cdr Milind Badge, Col DK Sarkar, Col Ashutosh Mukharjee in their address explained various aspects and schemes of ECHS, CSD and Welfare schemes of KSB and Dept of Sainik Welfare. Mrs Abha Kapoor interacted with the Veer Naries and told them to look after their suggestion/Problems positively. A hot lunch was served after the meet and CSD facilities was made available to all Veer Naries.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Marathwada MuktiSangram Day

"मराठवाडा मुक्तीसंग्राम दिन" दि. १७ सप्टेंबर २०१३ रोजीचे औचित्य साधून जिल्हाधिकारी
कार्यालय, नांदेड, नांदेड वाघाळा महानगरपालिका जिल्हा सैनिक कल्याण कार्यालय, नांदेड
यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने सशस्त्र सेना ध्वजदिन निधीसाठी आयोजित सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम
नांदेड जिल्हयाचे पालकमंत्री मा. ना. श्री डी पी सावंत, राज्यमंत्री, वैद्यकीय शिक्षण, उच्चशिक्षण,
विशेष सहाय्य अपारंपरिक उर्जा मंत्री हे ध्वजदिन निधीस सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमातून जमा झालेली
रक्कम रुपये लाखाचा धनादेश ले. कर्नल समीर राउत, जि. सै. अधिकारी, नांदेड यांना सुपूर्द
करते वेळेस. सोबत मा. श्री. आनंद चव्हाण, उपमहापौर, नांदेड वाघाळा महानगरपालिका,
मा. श्री. दिलीप स्वामी, प्रभारी जिल्हाधिकारी नांदेड, मा. श्री जी. श्रीकांत, भा. प्र. से. आयुक्त,
मा. श्री. सौ विद्या गायकवाड, उपायुक्त नां. वा. . . पा. नांदेड मान्यवर.

"मराठवाडा मुक्तीसंग्राम दीन" दि. १७ सप्टेंबर २०१३ रोजीचे औचित्य साधून जिल्हाधिकारी कार्यालय, नांदेड, नांदेड वाघाळा महानगरपालिका जिल्हा सैनिक कल्याण कार्यालय, नांदेड यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने सशस्त्र सेना ध्वजदिन निधीसाठी आयोजित सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमात नांदेड जिल्हयाचे पालकमंत्री मा. ना. श्री डी पी सावंत,  इतर सन्मानिय प्रेक्षेकवर्ग.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Friday, 2 August 2013

Pune district crosses Flag Day collection target for 2012

Pune district has crossed its target of collection of Armed Forces Flag Day Funds 2012, in June this year itself.
The Director of the Department of Sainik Welfare Colonel (Retd), Suhas Jatkar, told Sakal Times that the Pune district was given a target of raising funds of Rs 1.58 crore.
"The district, by June end this year collected Rs 1.79 crore, surpassing its target. Like Pune, there are two other districts in the State - Amravati and Buldhana - which have surpassed their targets by June end," he said.
Amravati was given a target of Rs 54 lakh and so far they have collected Rs 88.17 lakh, while Buldhana was asked to collect Rs 30 lakh and so far they have been successful in getting over Rs 37 lakh.
The State government has started an initiative Dhwaja Dina Nidhi (Flag Day), which is celebrated every year on December 7 to express solidarity towards ex-servicemen and their families.
The Flag Day funds are collected throughout the State from December 7 to November 30 of the following year, for the welfare of war widows and ex-servicemen. The funds collected are divided under two categories - 60 per cent is reserved for benevolent fund and, while 40 per cent is special fund.
Benevolent funds are used to giving grants for maintenance, medical treatment, daughter's marriage and educational assistance under various schemes. The Special Funds are used for construction, maintenance and running of the hostels, which are maintained and created by Department of Sainik Welfare.
"The target for the entire State has been set at Rs 21.60 crore and till June 30 the districts have been able to collect 12.32 crore," he said.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Is any one more secular than the Army or the Armed Forces?

Is any one more secular than the Army or the Armed Forces?

As a serving army officer, I never stop marveling at the gullibility of our countrymen
to be provoked with alacrity into virulence in the name of religion.
I have never heard the word 'secular' during all my service -- and yet,
the simple things that are done simply in the army make it appear like an island of sanity in a sea of hatred.

In the army, each officer identifies with the religion of his troops.
 In regiments where the soldiers are from more than one religion,
the officers -- and indeed all jawans attend the weekly religious prayers of all the faiths.

How many times have I trooped out of the battalion mandir and, having worn my shoes,entered the battalion church next door? A few years ago it all became simpler -- mandirs,masjids, gurudwars and churches began to share premises all over the army.
It saved us the walk.

Perhaps it is so because the army genuinely believes in two central 'truths' --
oneness of God and Victory in operations. Both are so sacred we cannot nitpick and question the basics.

In fact, sometimes the army mixes up the two! On a visit to the holy cave at Amarnath a few years ago
I saw a plaque mounted on the side of the hill by a battalion that had once guarded the annual Yatra.
It said, 'Best wishes from -....- battalion. Deployed for Operation Amarnath.

On another instance, I remember a commanding officer ordered the battalion maulaviji to conduct the
proceedings of Janamashtmi prayers because the panditji had to proceed on leave on compassionate grounds.
No eyebrows were raised. It was the most rousing and best-prepared sermon on Lord Krishna I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.

On the Line of Control, a company of Khemkhani Muslim soldiers replaced a Dogra battalion.
Over the next few days, the post was shelled heavily by Pakistanis, and there were a few non-fatal casualties.

One day, the junior commissioned officer of the company, Subedar Sarwar Khan walked up to the company commander
Major Sharma and said, "Sahib, ever since the Dogras left, the mandir has been shut.
Why don't you open it once every evening and do aarti? Why are we displeasing the Gods?"

Major Sharma shamefacedly confessed he did not know all the words of the aarti.
Subedar Sarwar went away and that night, huddled over the radio set under a weak lantern light,
painstakingly took down the words of the Aarti from the post of another battalion!

How many of us know that along the entire border with Pakistan, our troops abstain from alcohol
and non-vegetarian food on all Thursdays? The reason: It is called the Peer day -- essentially a day of religious significance for the Muslims.

In 1984, after Operation Bluestar there was anguish in the Sikh community over the desecration of the holiest of their shrines. Some of this anger and hurt was visible in the army too.

I remember the first Sikh festival days after the event -- the number of army personnel of every religious denomination that thronged the regimental gurudwara of the nearest Sikh battalion was the largest I had seen.

I distinctly remember each officer and soldier who put his forehead to the ground to pay obeisance appeared to linger just a wee bit longer than usual. Was I imagining this? I do not think so.
There was that empathy and caring implicit in the quality of the gesture that appeared to say,
"You are hurt and we all understand."

We were deployed on the Line of Control those days.
Soon after the news of disaffection among a small section of Sikh troops was broadcast on the BBC,
Pakistani troops deployed opposite the Sikh battalion yelled across to express their 'solidarity' with the Sikhs.

The Sikh havildar shouted back that the Pakistanis had better not harbour any wrong notions.
"If you dare move towards this post, we will mow you down."

Finally, a real -- and true -- gem....

Two boys of a Sikh regiment battalion were overheard discussing this a day before Christmas.
"Why are we having a holiday tomorrow?" asked Sepoy Singh.

"It is Christmas," replied the wiser Naik Singh.
"But what is Christmas?"

"Christmas," replied Naik Singh, with his eyes half shut in reverence and hands in a spontaneous prayer-clasp, "is the guruparb of the Christians."

Military Spouses

Author Unknown

It was just another harried Wednesday afternoon trip to the commissary (that's a military grocery store). My husband was off teaching other young men how to fly. My daughters were going about their daily activities,
knowing I would return to them bearing, among other things, their favorite fruit snacks, frozen pizza, and all the little extras you never write down on a grocery list.

My list, by the way, was in my 16-month old daughter's mouth, and I was lamenting the fact that the next four aisles of needed items would have to wait while I extracted the list from her mouth. And in the middle of all
this, I nearly ran over an old man.

This man clearly had no appreciation for the fact that I had only 45 minutes left to finish the grocery shopping, pick up my four-year old from tumbling class, then get to school where my 12-year old and her carpool friends would be waiting.

I knew men didn't belong in a commissary, and this old guy was no exception. He stood in front of the soap selections, staring blankly, as if he'd never had to choose a bar of soap in his life. I was ready to bark an order at him when I noticed a small tear on his face.

Instantly this grocery aisle roadblock transformed into a human. "Can I help you find something?" I asked. He hesitated, then told me he was looking for soap.

"Any one in particular?" I queried.

"Well, I'm trying to find my wife's brand of soap."

I reached for my cell phone so he could call his wife, and as I pulled it out he said, "She died a year ago, and I just want to smell her again."

Chills ran down my spine. I don't think the 22,000-pound mother-of-all-bombs could have had the same impact. As tears welled up in my eyes, my half-eaten grocery list didn't seem so important. Neither did fruit snacks or frozen pizza.

I spent the remainder of my time in the commissary that day, listening to a man tell the story of how important his wife was to him; how she took care of their children while he served our country. A retired, decorated World War II pilot, who flew missions to protect Americans, still needed the protection of a woman who served him at home.

My life was forever changed that day. Every time my husband works too late or leaves before the crack of dawn, I try to remember the sense of importance I felt that day in the commissary.

Sometimes the monotony of laundry, housecleaning, grocery shopping, and family taxi driving leaves military wives feeling empty; the kind of emptiness that is rarely fulfilled when our husbands come home, then don't want to or can't talk about work.

We need to be reminded at times of the important role we fill for our family and our country. Military wives aren't any better than other wives, but we are different.

Other spouses get married and look forward to building equity and putting down roots. Military spouses get married and know they'll spend years in temporary housing, so the roots have to be short for frequent transplanting.

Other spouses say goodbye to their spouse for a business trip and know they won't see them for a week. Military spouses say goodbye to their deploying spouses and know they won't seem them for months, or a year, or even never.

Other spouses get used to saying "hello" to friends they see all the time. Military spouses get used to saying "goodbye" to friends they've made in the past couple of years.

Other spouses worry about being late to Mom's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Military spouses worry about getting back from Japan in time for Dad's funeral.

I will say, without hesitation, that military spouses pay just as high a price for freedom as do their active-duty husbands and wives.


Monday, 4 March 2013

Armed Forces Flag day Fund

     NEWS in Times of India date-02/03/2013

Wednesday, 27 February 2013